Our Vision

About us

1. Nana Kweku Essiani (v). (Chairman).
2. Mad. Dorothy Eghan. (Member).
3. Dr. Isaac Ankomah. (Member).
4. Mr. Eric Acquah. (Member).
5. Mr. Gilbert Germain. (Secretary).
Mr. Gilbert Kofi Germain – Director/CEO
“The world is full of opportunities that every child, as innocent as they are, deserves to benefit from regardless of where they come from. Creating a just world where no child is left behind has been the motivation all these years. For every project and/ or support received, we (YLF Team) are guided by the need to provide quality education, eradicate hunger through sustainable farming, health education and empowering women through entrepreneurship training. Seeing the children we have supported in the past always motivate me to champion the vision.”
Mr. Kingsley Otoo – Programmes Manager.
“As Young and Lonely Foundation, we are challenged to strategically think beyond donations and offerings. Sustainability towards making the future generation explore their potentials as possible as they can is what drives me as a Team Member. It is my hope that our programmes will go a long way to support thousands of women and children in underprivileged communities in the next five years.”
Mr. Isaac Obed Saah – Programmes Coordinator/Researcher.
“I believe in shared responsibilities and that we all can together play a role in achieving a bigger goal. That is what I have been privileged to be part of this Foundation. Young and Lonely Foundation is critical about its projects implementation and conscious about its communal impacts. Driving a focused approach project in the realisation of the foundation’s vision is therefore what I am proud to stand for.”
Charlotte Adi (Ms.) – Secretary.
“As a proud beneficiary of Young and Lonely Foundation, I am happy to be going through this professional development. My story presents an opportunity I would never had had. But for YLF, I am a role model for many children and families our support reach out to. I am therefore committed to playing my part in creating a just world where no child is left behind.”
Pearlings Amoah (Ms.) – Field Officer.
“Young and Lonely Foundation has groomed and made me who I am today. As a previous beneficiary and currently a field officer, I am helping thousands of deprived families in bridging the foundation to the very soul of the Ghanaian communities. Again, I appreciate the professional development I am gaining from working with the foundation.”
1. Mr. Tim-Pauls (Germany)
2. Mr. & Mrs. Frase (Germany)
3. Eva Handmark (Germany)
4. Gabriel (Gabi) (Germany)
5. Dr. Imme Gerke (Germany)
6. Dr. Jacques Drolet (Germany)
7. Karen Luckrine (US)
8. Mr. Emmanuel Tandoh (Germany)
9. Mr. Philip Doe (US)
10. Mr. Nicholas Amoah (UK)
11. Queen Mother (UK).